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In a fast-paced and hectic world, where routine and stress seem to take over our lives, the Rocco brand was born. A beverage brand that understood the needs of those looking to disconnect from monotony and find authentic moments of inspiration in the midst of chaos.

It all started with a group of passionate creators who shared a vision: Inspire people to disconnect from chaos and connect with the present by uncovering a Rocco, while promoting environmental conservation.

With an unwavering dedication to quality and innovation, Rocco created a range of products that go beyond the conventional. From refreshing craft beers and kombuchas , to exclusive wines and pure natural mineral water (launching soon).

Rocco seeks to establish itself as a key player in the beverage market in Uruguay, offering a wide variety of authentic beverages that include beers, kombuchas and wines, among others.




If you are an end consumer and want to try these great products at home, visit the e-commerce of our friends at Astuto by clicking on the following button

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